Android Build System (Android PDK)_the local_src_files for a prebuilt library should -程序员宅基地

技术标签: Linux/Android  

Android Build System

Android uses a custom build system to generate tools, binaries, and documentation. This document provides an overview of Android's build system and instructions for doing a simple build.

Android's build system is make based and requires a recent version of GNU Make (note that Android uses advanced features of GNU Make that may not yet appear on the GNU Make web site). Before continuing, check your version of make by running % make -v. If you don't have version 3.80 or greater, you need toupgrade your version of make.

Understanding the makefile

A makefile defines how to build a particular application. Makefiles typically include all of the following elements:

  1. Name: Give your build a name (LOCAL_MODULE := <build_name>).
  2. Local Variables: Clear local variables with CLEAR_VARS (include $(CLEAR_VARS)).
  3. Files: Determine which files your application depends upon (LOCAL_SRC_FILES := main.c).
  4. Tags: Define tags, as necessary (LOCAL_MODULE_TAGS := eng development).
  5. Libraries: Define whether your application links with other libraries (LOCAL_SHARED_LIBRARIES := cutils).
  6. Template file: Include a template file to define underlining make tools for a particular target (include $(BUILD_EXECUTABLE)).

The following snippet illustrates a typical makefile.

LOCAL_PATH := $(my-dir)
include $(CLEAR_VARS)
LOCAL_MODULE := <buil_name>
LOCAL_MODULE_TAGS := eng development

The snippet above includes artificial line breaks to maintain a print-friendly document.


The build hierarchy includes the abstraction layers described in the table below.

Each layer relates to the one above it in a one-to-many relationship. For example, an arch can have more than one board and each board can have more than one device. You may define an element in a given layer as a specialization of an element in the same layer, thus eliminating copying and simplifying maintenance.

Layer Example Description
Product myProduct, myProduct_eu, myProduct_eu_fr, j2, sdk The product layer defines a complete specification of a shipping product, defining which modules to build and how to configure them. You might offer a device in several different versions based on locale, for example, or on features such as a camera.
Device myDevice, myDevice_eu, myDevice_eu_lite The device layer represents the physical layer of plastic on the device. For example, North American devices probably include QWERTY keyboards whereas devices sold in France probably include AZERTY keyboards. Peripherals typically connect to the device layer.
Board sardine, trout, goldfish The board layer represents the bare schematics of a product. You may still connect peripherals to the board layer.
Arch arm (arm5te) (arm6), x86, 68k The arch layer describes the processor running on your board.

Building the Android Platform

This section describes how to build the default version of Android. Once you are comfortable with a generic build, then you can begin to modify Android for your own target device.

Device Code

To do a generic build of android, source build/, which contains necessary variable and function definitions, as described below.

% cd $TOP

% . build/

# pick a configuration using choosecombo
% choosecombo

% make -j4 PRODUCT-generic-user

You can also replace user with eng for a debug engineering build:

% make -j4 PRODUCT-generic-eng

These Build Variants differ in terms of debug options and packages installed.

Cleaning Up

Execute % m clean to clean up the binaries you just created. You can also execute % m clobber to get rid of the binaries of all combos. % m clobber is equivalent to removing the //out/ directory where all generated files are stored.

Speeding Up Rebuilds

The binaries of each combo are stored as distinct sub-directories of //out/, making it possible to quickly switch between combos without having to recompile all sources each time.

However, performing a clean rebuild is necessary if the build system doesn't catch changes to environment variables or makefiles. If this happens often, you should define the USE_CCACHE environment variable as shown below:

% export USE_CCACHE=1

Doing so will force the build system to use the ccache compiler cache tool, which reduces recompiling all sources.

ccache binaries are provided in //prebuilt/... and don't need to get installed on your system.


The following error is likely caused by running an outdated version of Java.

java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: method java.util.Arrays.hashCode with
signature ([Ljava.lang.Object;)I was not found.
  at java.util.HashMap.hash(

dx is a Java program that uses facilities first made available in Java version 1.5. Check your version of Java by executing % java -version in the shell you use to build. You should see something like:

java version "1.5.0_07"
Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build 1.5.0_07-164)
Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 1.5.0_07-87, mixed mode, sharing)

If you do have Java 1.5 or later and your receive this error, verify that you have properly updated your PATH variable.

Building the Android Kernel

This section describes how to build Android's default kernel. Once you are comfortable with a generic build, then you can begin to modify Android drivers for your own target device.

To build the kernel base, switch to the device directory (/home/joe/android/device) in order to establish variables and run:

% . build/
% partner_setup generic

Then switch to the kernel directory /home/joe/android/kernel.

Checking Out a Branch

The default branch is always android. To check out a different branch, execute the following:

% git checkout --track -b android-mydevice origin/android-mydevice
  //Branch android-mydevice set up to track remote branch
% refs/remotes/origin/android-mydevice.
  //Switched to a new branch "android-mydevice"

To simplify code management, give your local branch the same name as the remote branch it is tracking (as illustrated in the snippet above). Switch between branches by executing % git checkout <branchname>.

Verifying Location

Find out which branches exist (both locally and remotely) and which one is active (marked with an asterisk) by executing the following:

% git branch -a
* android-mydevice

To only see local branches, omit the -a flag.

Building the Kernel

To build the kernel, execute:

% make -j4

Build Variants

When building for a particular product, it's often useful to have minor variations on what is ultimately the final release build. These are the currently-defined build variants:

eng This is the default flavor. A plain make is the same as make eng.
  • Installs modules tagged with: engdebuguser, and/or development.
  • Installs non-APK modules that have no tags specified.
  • Installs APKs according to the product definition files, in addition to tagged APKs.
  • ro.debuggable=1
  • adb is enabled by default.
user make user

This is the flavor intended to be the final release bits.

  • Installs modules tagged with user.
  • Installs non-APK modules that have no tags specified.
  • Installs APKs according to the product definition files; tags are ignored for APK modules.
  • ro.debuggable=0
  • adb is disabled by default.
userdebug make userdebug

The same as user, except:

  • Also installs modules tagged with debug.
  • ro.debuggable=1
  • adb is enabled by default.

If you build one flavor and then want to build another, you should run make installclean between the two makes to guarantee that you don't pick up files installed by the previous flavor. make clean will also suffice, but it takes a lot longer.

Configuring a New Product

Detailed Instructions

The steps below describe how to configure makefiles for new mobile devices and products running Android.

  1. Create a company directory in //vendor/.
      mkdir vendor/<company_name>
  2. Create a products directory beneath the company directory you created in step 1.
      mkdir vendor/<company_name>/products/
  3. Create a product-specific makefile, called vendor/<company_name>/products/<first_product_name>.mk, that includes at least the following code:
      $(call inherit-product, $(SRC_TARGET_DIR)/product/
      # Overrides
      PRODUCT_NAME := <first_product_name>
      PRODUCT_DEVICE := <board_name>
  4. Additional product-specific variables can be added to this Product Definition file.
  5. In the products directory, create an file that point to (and is responsible for finding) the individual product make files.
      # This file should set PRODUCT_MAKEFILES to a list of product makefiles
      # to expose to the build system.  LOCAL_DIR will already be set to
      # the directory containing this file. 
      # This file may not rely on the value of any variable other than
      # LOCAL_DIR; do not use any conditionals, and do not look up the
      # value of any variable that isn't set in this file or in a file that
      # it includes.
        $(LOCAL_DIR)/ \
  6. Create a board-specific directory beneath your company directory that matches the PRODUCT_DEVICE variable <board_name> referenced in the product-specific make file above. This will include a make file that gets accessed by any product using this board.
      mkdir vendor/<company_name>/<board_name>
  7. Create a file in the directory created in the previous step (vendor/<company_name>/<board_name>). 
      # These definitions override the defaults in config/config.make for <board_name>
      # TARGET_NO_BOOTLOADER := false
      # TARGET_HARDWARE_3D := false 
  8. If you wish to modify system properties, create a system.prop file in your <board_name> directory(vendor/<company_name>/<board_name>).
      # system.prop for 
      # This overrides settings in the products/generic/system.prop file
      # rild.libpath=/system/lib/
      # rild.libargs=-d /dev/ttyS0
  9. Add a pointer to <second_product_name>.mk within products/
        $(LOCAL_DIR)/ \
  10. An file must be included in vendor/<company_name>/<board_name> with at least the following code:
      # make file for new hardware  from 
      LOCAL_PATH := $(call my-dir)
      # this is here to use the pre-built kernel
      ALL_PREBUILT += $(file)
      $(file): $(TARGET_PREBUILT_KERNEL) | $(ACP)
      # no boot loader, so we don't need any of that stuff..  
      LOCAL_PATH := vendor/<company_name>/<board_name>
      include $(CLEAR_VARS)
      # include more board specific stuff here? Such as Audio parameters.      
  11. To create a second product for the same board, create a second product-specific make file called vendor/company_name/products/<second_product_name>.mkthat includes:
      $(call inherit-product, $(SRC_TARGET_DIR)/product/
      # Overrides
      PRODUCT_NAME := <second_product_name>
      PRODUCT_DEVICE := <board_name>

By now, you should have two new products, called <first_product_name> and <second_product_name> associated with <company_name>. To verify that a product is properly configured (<first_product_name>, for example), execute the following:

  . build/
  make PRODUCT-<first_product_name>-user

You should find new build binaries located in /out/target/product/<board_name>.

New Product File Tree

The file tree below illustrates what your own system should look like after completing the steps above.

  • <company_name>
    • <board_name>
      • system.prop
    • products
      • <first_product_name>.mk
      • <second_product_name>.mk

Product Definition Files

Product-specific variables are defined in product definition files. A product definition file can inherit from other product definition files, thus reducing the need to copy and simplifying maintenance.

Variables maintained in a product definition files include:

Parameter Description Example
PRODUCT_NAME End-user-visible name for the overall product. Appears in the "About the phone" info.  
PRODUCT_MODEL End-user-visible name for the end product  
PRODUCT_LOCALES A space-separated list of two-letter language code, two-letter country code pairs that describe several settings for the user, such as the UI language and time, date and currency formatting. The first locale listed in PRODUCT_LOCALES is is used if the locale has never been set before. en_GB de_DE es_ES fr_CA
PRODUCT_PACKAGES Lists the APKs to install. Calendar Contacts
PRODUCT_DEVICE Name of the industrial design dream
PRODUCT_MANUFACTURER Name of the manufacturer acme
PRODUCT_BRAND The brand (e.g., carrier) the software is customized for, if any  
PRODUCT_PROPERTY_OVERRIDES List of property assignments in the format "key=value"  
PRODUCT_COPY_FILES List of words like source_path:destination_path. The file at the source path should be copied to the destination path when building this product. The rules for the copy steps are defined in config/Makefile  
PRODUCT_OTA_PUBLIC_KEYS List of OTA public keys for the product  
PRODUCT_POLICY Indicate which policy this product should use  
PRODUCT_PACKAGE_OVERLAYS Indicate whether to use default resources or add any product specific overlays vendor/acme/overlay
PRODUCT_CONTRIBUTORS_FILE HTML file containing the contributors to the project.  
PRODUCT_TAGS list of space-separated words for a given product  

The snippet below illustrates a typical product definition file.

$(call inherit-product, build/target/product/

PRODUCT_BRAND := acme_us
PRODUCT_PACKAGE_OVERLAYS := vendor/acme/overlay

Build Cookbook

The Android Build Cookbook offers code snippets to help you quickly implement some common build tasks. For additional instruction, please see the other build documents in this section.

Building a simple APK

  LOCAL_PATH := $(call my-dir)
  include $(CLEAR_VARS)
  # Build all java files in the java subdirectory
  LOCAL_SRC_FILES := $(call all-subdir-java-files)
  # Name of the APK to build
  LOCAL_PACKAGE_NAME := LocalPackage
  # Tell it to build an APK
  include $(BUILD_PACKAGE)

Building a APK that depends on a static .jar file

  LOCAL_PATH := $(call my-dir)
  include $(CLEAR_VARS)
  # List of static libraries to include in the package
  # Build all java files in the java subdirectory
  LOCAL_SRC_FILES := $(call all-subdir-java-files)
  # Name of the APK to build
  LOCAL_PACKAGE_NAME := LocalPackage
  # Tell it to build an APK
  include $(BUILD_PACKAGE)

Building a APK that should be signed with the platform key

  LOCAL_PATH := $(call my-dir)
  include $(CLEAR_VARS)
  # Build all java files in the java subdirectory
  LOCAL_SRC_FILES := $(call all-subdir-java-files)
  # Name of the APK to build
  LOCAL_PACKAGE_NAME := LocalPackage
  # Tell it to build an APK
  include $(BUILD_PACKAGE)

Building a APK that should be signed with a specific vendor key

  LOCAL_PATH := $(call my-dir)
  include $(CLEAR_VARS)
  # Build all java files in the java subdirectory
  LOCAL_SRC_FILES := $(call all-subdir-java-files)
  # Name of the APK to build
  LOCAL_PACKAGE_NAME := LocalPackage
  LOCAL_CERTIFICATE := vendor/example/certs/app
  # Tell it to build an APK
  include $(BUILD_PACKAGE)

Adding a prebuilt APK

  LOCAL_PATH := $(call my-dir)
  include $(CLEAR_VARS)
  # Module name should match apk name to be installed.
  LOCAL_MODULE := LocalModuleName
  include $(BUILD_PREBUILT)

Adding a Static Java Library

  LOCAL_PATH := $(call my-dir)
  include $(CLEAR_VARS)
  # Build all java files in the java subdirectory
  LOCAL_SRC_FILES := $(call all-subdir-java-files)
  # Any libraries that this library depends on
  LOCAL_JAVA_LIBRARIES := android.test.runner
  # The name of the jar file to create
  LOCAL_MODULE := sample
  # Build a static jar file.
  include $(BUILD_STATIC_JAVA_LIBRARY) Variables

These are the variables that you'll commonly see in files, listed alphabetically. First, a note on the variable naming:

  • LOCAL_ - These variables are set per-module. They are cleared by the include $(CLEAR_VARS) line, so you can rely on them being empty after including that file. Most of the variables you'll use in most modules are LOCAL_ variables.
  • PRIVATE_ - These variables are make-target-specific variables. That means they're only usable within the commands for that module. It also means that they're unlikely to change behind your back from modules that are included after yours. This link to the make documentation describes more about target-specific variables.
  • HOST_ and TARGET_ - These contain the directories and definitions that are specific to either the host or the target builds. Do not set variables that start with HOST_ or TARGET_ in your makefiles.
  • BUILD_ and CLEAR_VARS - These contain the names of well-defined template makefiles to include. Some examples are CLEAR_VARS and BUILD_HOST_PACKAGE.
  • Any other name is fair-game for you to use in your However, remember that this is a non-recursive build system, so it is possible that your variable will be changed by another included later, and be different when the commands for your rule / module are executed.
Parameter Description
LOCAL_ASSET_FILES In files that include $(BUILD_PACKAGE) set this to the set of files you want built into your app. Usually:

LOCAL_ASSET_FILES += $(call find-subdir-assets)


Additional directories to instruct the C/C++ compilers to look for header files in. These paths are rooted at the top of the tree. Use LOCAL_PATH if you have subdirectories of your own that you want in the include paths. For example:

LOCAL_C_INCLUDES += extlibs/zlib-1.2.3

You should not add subdirectories of include to LOCAL_C_INCLUDES, instead you should reference those files in the #include statement with their subdirectories. For example:

#include <utils/KeyedVector.h>
not #include <KeyedVector.h>

LOCAL_CC If you want to use a different C compiler for this module, set LOCAL_CC to the path to the compiler. If LOCAL_CC is blank, the appropriate default compiler is used.
LOCAL_CFLAGS If you have additional flags to pass into the C or C++ compiler, add them here. For example:



The set of files to copy to the install include tree. You must also supply LOCAL_COPY_HEADERS_TO.

This is going away because copying headers messes up the error messages, and may lead to people editing those headers instead of the correct ones. It also makes it easier to do bad layering in the system, which we want to avoid. We also aren't doing a C/C++ SDK, so there is no ultimate requirement to copy any headers.


The directory within "include" to copy the headers listed in LOCAL_COPY_HEADERS to.

This is going away because copying headers messes up the error messages, and may lead to people editing those headers instead of the correct ones. It also makes it easier to do bad layering in the system, which we want to avoid. We also aren't doing a C/C++ SDK, so there is no ultimate requirement to copy any headers.

LOCAL_CPP_EXTENSION If your C++ files end in something other than ".cpp", you can specify the custom extension here. For example:


Note that all C++ files for a given module must have the same extension; it is not currently possible to mix different extensions.
LOCAL_CPPFLAGS If you have additional flags to pass into only the C++ compiler, add them here. For example:

LOCAL_CPPFLAGS += -ffriend-injection

LOCAL_CPPFLAGS is guaranteed to be after LOCAL_CFLAGS on the compile line, so you can use it to override flags listed in LOCAL_CFLAGS
LOCAL_CXX If you want to use a different C++ compiler for this module, set LOCAL_CXX to the path to the compiler. If LOCAL_CXX is blank, the appropriate default compiler is used.

If your executable should be linked statically, set LOCAL_FORCE_STATIC_EXECUTABLE:=true. There is a very short list of libraries that we have in static form (currently only libc). This is really only used for executables in /sbin on the root filesystem.


Files that you add to LOCAL_GENERATED_SOURCES will be automatically generated and then linked in when your module is built. See the Custom Tools template makefile for an example.


When linking Java apps and libraries, LOCAL_JAVA_LIBRARIES specifies which sets of java classes to include. Currently there are two of these: core and framework. In most cases, it will look like this:

LOCAL_JAVA_LIBRARIES := core framework

Note that setting LOCAL_JAVA_LIBRARIES is not necessary (and is not allowed) when building an APK with "include $(BUILD_PACKAGE)". The appropriate libraries will be included automatically.


You can pass additional flags to the linker by setting LOCAL_LDFLAGS. Keep in mind that the order of parameters is very important to ld, so test whatever you do on all platforms.


LOCAL_LDLIBS allows you to specify additional libraries that are not part of the build for your executable or library. Specify the libraries you want in -lxxx format; they're passed directly to the link line. However, keep in mind that there will be no dependency generated for these libraries. It's most useful in simulator builds where you want to use a library preinstalled on the host. The linker (ld) is a particularly fussy beast, so it's sometimes necessary to pass other flags here if you're doing something sneaky. Some examples:

LOCAL_LDLIBS += -lcurses -lpthread
LOCAL_LDLIBS += -Wl,-z,origin

LOCAL_MODULE LOCAL_MODULE is the name of what's supposed to be generated from your For exmample, for libkjs, the LOCAL_MODULE is "libkjs" (the build system adds the appropriate suffix -- .so .dylib .dll). For app modules, use LOCAL_PACKAGE_NAME instead of LOCAL_MODULE.
LOCAL_MODULE_PATH Instructs the build system to put the module somewhere other than what's normal for its type. If you override this, make sure you also set LOCAL_UNSTRIPPED_PATH if it's an executable or a shared library so the unstripped binary has somewhere to go. An error will occur if you forget to.

See Putting modules elsewhere for more.


Set LOCAL_MODULE_TAGS to any number of whitespace-separated tags.

This variable controls what build flavors the package gets included in. For example:

  • user: include this in user/userdebug builds
  • eng: include this in eng builds
  • tests: the target is a testing target and makes it available for tests
  • optional: don't include this
LOCAL_PACKAGE_NAME LOCAL_PACKAGE_NAME is the name of an app. For example, Dialer, Contacts, etc.

For host executables, you can specify a command to run on the module after it's been linked. You might have to go through some contortions to get variables right because of early or late variable evaluation:

LOCAL_POST_PROCESS_COMMAND := /Developer/Tools/Rez -d __DARWIN__ -t APPL\
       -d __WXMAC__ -o $(module) Carbon.r

LOCAL_PREBUILT_EXECUTABLES When including $(BUILD_PREBUILT) or $(BUILD_HOST_PREBUILT), set these to executables that you want copied. They're located automatically into the right bin directory.
LOCAL_PREBUILT_LIBS When including $(BUILD_PREBUILT) or $(BUILD_HOST_PREBUILT), set these to libraries that you want copied. They're located automatically into the right lib directory.

Set LOCAL_REQUIRED_MODULES to any number of whitespace-separated module names, like "libblah" or "Email". If this module is installed, all of the modules that it requires will be installed as well. This can be used to, e.g., ensure that necessary shared libraries or providers are installed when a given app is installed.

LOCAL_SHARED_LIBRARIES These are the libraries you directly link against. You don't need to pass transitively included libraries. Specify the name without the suffix:

    libutils \
    libui \
    libaudio \
    libexpat \

LOCAL_SRC_FILES The build system looks at LOCAL_SRC_FILES to know what source files to compile -- .cpp .c .y .l .java. For lex and yacc files, it knows how to correctly do the intermediate .h and .c/.cpp files automatically. If the files are in a subdirectory of the one containing the, prefix them with the directory name:

    file1.cpp \

LOCAL_STATIC_LIBRARIES These are the static libraries that you want to include in your module. Mostly, we use shared libraries, but there are a couple of places, like executables in sbin and host executables where we use static libraries instead.

    libutils \

LOCAL_UNSTRIPPED_PATH Instructs the build system to put the unstripped version of the module somewhere other than what's normal for its type. Usually, you override this because you overrode LOCAL_MODULE_PATH for an executable or a shared library. If you overrode LOCAL_MODULE_PATH, but not LOCAL_UNSTRIPPED_PATH, an error will occur.

See Putting modules elsewhere for more.

LOCAL_WHOLE_STATIC_LIBRARIES These are the static libraries that you want to include in your module without allowing the linker to remove dead code from them. This is mostly useful if you want to add a static library to a shared library and have the static library's content exposed from the shared library.


LOCAL_YACCFLAGS Any flags to pass to invocations of yacc for your module. A known limitation here is that the flags will be the same for all invocations of YACC for your module. This can be fixed. If you ever need it to be, just ask.


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【Unity3d Shader】水面和岩浆效果_unity 岩浆shader-程序员宅基地

文章浏览阅读2.8k次,点赞3次,收藏18次。游戏水面特效实现方式太多。咱们这边介绍的是一最简单的UV动画(无顶点位移),整个mesh由4个顶点构成。实现了水面效果(左图),不动代码稍微修改下参数和贴图可以实现岩浆效果(右图)。有要思路是1,uv按时间去做正弦波移动2,在1的基础上加个凹凸图混合uv3,在1、2的基础上加个水流方向4,加上对雾效的支持,如没必要请自行删除雾效代码(把包含fog的几行代码删除)S..._unity 岩浆shader


文章浏览阅读5k次。广义线性模型是线性模型的扩展,它通过连接函数建立响应变量的数学期望值与线性组合的预测变量之间的关系。广义线性模型拟合的形式为:其中g(μY)是条件均值的函数(称为连接函数)。另外,你可放松Y为正态分布的假设,改为Y 服从指数分布族中的一种分布即可。设定好连接函数和概率分布后,便可以通过最大似然估计的多次迭代推导出各参数值。在大部分情况下,线性模型就可以通过一系列连续型或类别型预测变量来预测正态分布的响应变量的工作。但是,有时候我们要进行非正态因变量的分析,例如:(1)类别型.._广义线性回归模型

HTML+CSS大作业 环境网页设计与实现(垃圾分类) web前端开发技术 web课程设计 网页规划与设计_垃圾分类网页设计目标怎么写-程序员宅基地

文章浏览阅读69次。环境保护、 保护地球、 校园环保、垃圾分类、绿色家园、等网站的设计与制作。 总结了一些学生网页制作的经验:一般的网页需要融入以下知识点:div+css布局、浮动、定位、高级css、表格、表单及验证、js轮播图、音频 视频 Flash的应用、ul li、下拉导航栏、鼠标划过效果等知识点,网页的风格主题也很全面:如爱好、风景、校园、美食、动漫、游戏、咖啡、音乐、家乡、电影、名人、商城以及个人主页等主题,学生、新手可参考下方页面的布局和设计和HTML源码(有用点赞△) 一套A+的网_垃圾分类网页设计目标怎么写

C# .Net 发布后,把dll全部放在一个文件夹中,让软件目录更整洁 dll 全局目录-程序员宅基地

文章浏览阅读614次,点赞7次,收藏11次。之前找到一个修改 exe 中 DLL地址 的方法, 不太好使,虽然能正确启动, 但无法改变 exe 的工作目录,这就影响了.Net 中很多获取 exe 执行目录来拼接的地址 ( 相对路径 ),比如 wwwroot 和 代码中相对目录还有一些复制到目录的普通文件 等等,它们的地址都会指向原来 exe 的目录, 而不是自定义的 “lib” 目录,根本原因就是没有修改 exe 的工作目录这次来搞一个启动程序,把 .net 的所有东西都放在一个文件夹,在文件夹同级的目录制作一个 dll 全局目录

BRIEF特征点描述算法_breif description calculation 特征点-程序员宅基地

文章浏览阅读1.5k次。本文为转载,原博客地址:简介 BRIEF是2010年的一篇名为《BRIEF:Binary Robust Independent Elementary Features》的文章中提出,BRIEF是对已检测到的特征点进行描述,它是一种二进制编码的描述子,摈弃了利用区域灰度..._breif description calculation 特征点

房屋租赁管理系统的设计和实现,SpringBoot计算机毕业设计论文_基于spring boot的房屋租赁系统论文-程序员宅基地

文章浏览阅读4.1k次,点赞21次,收藏79次。本文是《基于SpringBoot的房屋租赁管理系统》的配套原创说明文档,可以给应届毕业生提供格式撰写参考,也可以给开发类似系统的朋友们提供功能业务设计思路。_基于spring boot的房屋租赁系统论文